Pastor Jan Vezikov talks about being a Russian immigrant, growing up in a bi-cultural family, leaving his job at the CIA, being naturally cynical, and working to find hope for himself, his family and his congregation.
“I’ve got to be living what I’m selling. ”
We met Pastor Jan at a Christmas Eve church service in Brookline, Massachusetts.
Jan started the church in a YMCA and after outgrowing the space, worshipped in a movie theater and now in a Jewish temple.
“My first job out of college was consulting, my second job out of college was with the CIA.”
“I was 5 years old and my family immigrated from the former Soviet Union.”
“School, sports and painting, that was my childhood…and going to church.”
“The issue we wrestled with growing up bi-cultutrally…your parents want you to speak one language at home…they want you to believe what they believe in.”