Tom is not only disappointed by the election results but he’s very anxious as he heads home for Thanksgiving to face relatives who voted for the other side.
“The differences we’ve had in the past have been easy to overlook but I feel I won’t be able to bite my tongue as much this time around.”
We meet Tom in a Brooklyn restaurant on the eve of visiting family for Thanksgiving dinner.
On Election 2016: “It’s been wavering back and forth between hopeless, sadness and trying to figure out how to pull myself up and find a way to help.”
“I have a feeling I’ve been complacent leading up to it (election day).”
“I’m looking at transitioning jobs and figuring how I can apply my skills toward some political action.”
“I think this is much more and considerably different than just one party winning over another.”
“I do think we take for granted not having to fight.”